What is a dental implant procedure?

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You will find answers to the following questions in this article:

1. What is a dental implant and how does it work?
2. How much does a dental implant procedure cost?
3. Are dental implants covered by insurance?
4. What is the success rate of dental implant procedures?
5. How long does the dental implant procedure take?

What is a dental implant procedure?

Artificial tooth roots are inserted during a dental implant operation. This allows the dentist or oral surgeon to insert crowns, which are replacement teeth, because the implants attach with your jawbone. In the event that one or more of your permanent teeth are lost, dental implants may be a possibility. They are designed to feel, look, and perform much like your real teeth.

A dental surgery to restore a missing tooth typically includes a dental implant procedure. Dental implants are substitute teeth that are anchored in the jawbone rather than dentures, which are removable false teeth.

What are dental implants?

A dental implant is a screw-shaped chunk of titanium or another substance. It is inserted into the jaw where the roots of the missing tooth were. The implant is held in place by the bone that develops around it over time.

The gap left by the missing tooth is then filled in by attaching a crown, an artificial tooth, on the metal. The crown is specifically created to have the same size, shape, and color as the other teeth.

Dentures or a dental bridge can be fixed in place with the help of dental implants.

When is Dental Implant Necessary?

When you have lost teeth but are unable or unwilling to acquire dentures, bridges, or crowns, dental implants are required. Because the effects of removing or losing a tooth and doing nothing might worsen over time, it is crucial to replace a missing tooth.

They also contribute significantly to the general functionality of your mouth in addition to their many aesthetic advantages. Dental implants maintain a sound bite, holding every tooth firmly in place while supporting a strong jawline and halting bone loss. The jawbone may start to degenerate after a tooth extraction or loss if it is not replaced. This occurs because chewing’s pressure and stimuli are what first protect the jawbone.

Dental implants could seem necessary from a cosmetic standpoint as well. Dental implants can help you if you’re self-conscious about the way your smile looks and feels. Your ability to eat comfortably (particularly during social events), smile and laugh without experiencing pain, stress, or holding back is crucial and will have a significant impact on your life as a whole.

Dental Implantation Stepts

Extraction: Your decayed or dead tooth should be taken if it hasn’t already in order to make room for the dental implant post. Naturally, you can place an implant when a tooth is still present. However, endodontic therapy or a root canal procedure can also be used to save the tooth.

Preperation: Your jaw will then be prepared for surgery after that. To provide the post enough bone and space to affix itself to your jaw, you might also need to bone augmentation. The implant won’t adhere if there isn’t enough bone to embed it in.

Surgery: Your dentist will create a hole in the jawbone through which the implant is surgically put into the tooth socket. In order to screw the stud or post into the jawbone, this requires first removing the gum and then drilling into the jawbone itself.

Healthy Surrounding Teeth: The natural teeth and the tissues that support them next to the tooth socket where the implant is to be placed need to be in excellent condition and free of periodontitis or gingivitis. The dental implant process won’t be successful if something happens.

New Tooth Root: The implant post will act as your new tooth root for the crown that will be affixed to or screwed into the stud after implant integration has occurred and the post has bonded to your jaw bone. To sustain the link between the crown and implant, an abutment is needed.

The Better Crown: The cap or crown is better than a denture or an artificial set of teeth since it looks and feels more like a real tooth thanks to the dental implant anchor. Even though it is smaller, the abutment that joins the crown to the implant also resembles a tooth.

Fills Gaps and Restores Your Bite: Dental implants are dependable because they cover the space left by a lost tooth. Your teeth will eventually move towards the gap to balance your bite out if you leave the gap alone and choose not to have a dental implant operation, affecting the shape of your jaw and the position of your teeth.

Stops Facial Structure Decay: Implant dentistry can stop the future deterioration of your face, jawbone, and chin as a result of the gap left by a lost tooth. Your bone, face, and jaw structure will change as you age in direct proportion to how many lost teeth you let to remain missing.

Dental implant bridge: You can utilize a single-tooth stud implant to replace an entire row of missing teeth by positioning two studs on either end of the row to form a sort of bridge (as opposed to destroying existing teeth to serve as placements for a dental bridge).

Benefits of Dental Implants

– Implants provides natural appearance and pleasant fit. Dental implants are the next best thing to genuine teeth in terms of appearance, feel, and functionality, allowing you to smile with confidence. Additionally, they can be more cost-effective in the long run than other tooth replacement methods.

Lasting and reliable. Implants have consistent results and last as long as other restorative procedures for teeth with proper care.

High success rate. Dental implants with proper planning and maintenance typically have “survival rates” that are on par with or better than those of other tooth replacement solutions. The success rate of implants are also even improved as implant technology and techniques evolve.

– Implants serves for improved ability to eat and chew. Like natural teeth, dental implants are anchored in your jawbone. They will eventually greatly lessen bone resorption and aid in maintaining the jaw bone. By using implants to replace missing teeth, you can improve your speech clarity and food chewing.

Improved facial and bone features. Dental implants maintain natural tooth tissue since they do not require the removal of nearby teeth as is required for traditional bridgework. Additionally, they will prevent bone from deteriorating and resorbing, which causes the decrease of jawbone height. Dental implants not only retain natural tooth tissue but also lessen bone resorption and degeneration, which causes the loss of jawbone height. They also lessen the strain on the remaining oral structures and teeth.

What is the downside of dental implants?

Dental implants have several advantages over drawbacks, but not everyone is a good candidate for this operation. Here are a few reasons why dental implants might not be your best option.

The risks and complications: Dental implants may result infection, damage to other teeth, delayed bone healing, nerve damage, prolonged bleeding, jaw fractures and more.

For implant dentistry, you must fulfill a set of requirements. You must first fulfill some requirements in order to have dental implants. If you’ve lost a lot of bone as a result of tooth loss, the dental implant may not be successful because the treatment includes attaching the implant to your jaw bone.

The dental implant process may take a long time. Dental implant surgery is unsuitable for you if you’re searching for a quick remedy. The dental implant operation frequently takes many months, and is far from being completed in just one dental appointment.

Cost. The most expensive way to replace a missing tooth is with implants. Although they are the greatest long-term option, the lengthy procedure can be rather expensive.

Dental implants may fail. The failure rate for dental implants is at its lowest point in history, and the vast majority of patients won’t have any problems. Although dental implant failure occurs in only 5–10% of patients, patients should be aware of the possibility.

If you are not willing to take these risks, you should consult your dentist for the convenient procedure for your dental issues, discomfort and oral health.

How long do dental implant last?

One of the most common questions people have is: “how long do dental implants last?” The answer depends on several factors, such as how well the implants are cared for. Generally, however, the longevity of dental implants is around 25 years.

Is dental implant painful?

In most cases, the discomfort will peak within about 3-5 days after your treatment, and then begin to subside relatively quickly. By the end of your first week post-surgery, you should be feeling little, if any, discomfort and pain.

Types of Dental Implants

Single tooth implants are an option if you are missing or have lost a single tooth as a result of a condition or trauma. You must be in good oral and general health to receive this procedure. The dentist will choose the area where the implant will be placed before performing the treatment. Local anesthetic will be used during the actual surgery. Your gums are lightly punctured by the dentist so that the underlying bone can be seen and the implant can be safely placed.

Osseointegration is the process through which the implant heals and fuses with the surrounding bone. Your new crown will be fitted by the dentist after the area has fully healed.

All on Four Implants: This treatment is being used to instantly replace a whole arch of teeth, giving the patient a natural-looking smile. You can eat all of your favorite foods without worrying about them slipping because they are steady. You don’t have to deal with any unpleasant, sticky adhesives, and they are comfortable. They are exactly as easy to maintain as your real teeth.

Bridges supported by implants: A bridge supported by implants is a dental prosthesis that replaces an entire arch of teeth. You don’t even need to give the bridge’s security a second thought as you can grinne widely and consume anything you choose.

Dental Implant Materials

Zirconium or titanium are two possible dental implant materials. The dental implant must be strong and durable, and both its strength and design must be compatible with the physical characteristics of your original teeth. The final product will match your teeth’s color and perform exactly like your actual teeth.

A typical implant is a titanium screw with a smooth or rough surface that resembles a tooth root. Commercially pure titanium, which comes in four grades depending on the amount of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and iron it contains, is used to make the majority of dental implants. To achieve the highest success rate for your implant, Walker Periodontics only uses the highest grade titanium available.

Titanium Dental Implants: Titanium, a metal, is the most typical material used for dental implants. Its outstanding quality was identified in 1950. Research demonstrates that titanium-based implants allow the bone to develop normally during this period. That is, the bone will develop close to them if they are placed in touch with the bone and are not disturbed. In turn, this will produce a long-lasting affinity.

Titanium dental implant materials have been the most sought-after implants ever since this discovery. The results are long-lasting, and the price is fairly affordable. It is still one of the best materials ever used for dental implants.

Zirconia Dental Implants: Unlike titanium, zirconia is a more recent development. It is viewed as the dental implant material with the most promising future. In the early 1990s, zirconia dental implant materials were used for complete abutments. However, titanium implant materials were still popular at this period.

Coralroot did not introduce the first all-in-one crown based on dental implant materials until 2003. Zirconia dental implant materials are becoming more popular while being relatively new.

What is a cheaper alternative to a tooth implant?

Full or partial dentures are cheaper options compared to dental implants. Dentures depend on natural suction, as well as adhesives and pastes, to stay in place. Partial dentures are popular alternatives to implants for your molar teeth or other types of teeth.

Are dentures a good alternative to implants?

You should make the choice between dentures or implants carefully and in consultation with your dentist. Though implants are more expensive, they could provide 20 or more years of service compared with dentures, which may require occasional adjustments or replacements through the years.

Are You Put to Sleep for Dental Implants?

Yes, most patients are put to sleep for dental implants because the procedure is so invasive. However, if you’re just having one or two implants placed, a local anesthetic may be sufficient. A local anesthetic will temporarily numb the area, so although you’re awake during the procedure, you won’t feel a thing.

Sedation is an option too. You could be anxious about the operation even if you don’t wish to be completely sedated or if your dentist doesn’t provide it. Sedation dentistry offers additional options if you are nervous about getting dental treatment done or are concerned about staying awake during the operation. Sedation dentistry is the practice of sedating patients throughout various dental treatments with the aid of medicines.

Istanbul Dental Clinics Statement

For patients in need of one or more dental implants, it is often wise to discuss the benefits and drawbacks of implants with a dentist. Because the location of the teeth or the purpose of implant is very specific to the patient, consulting a dentist is the best way. By taking into account the location of the affected tooth and the patient’s individual preferences, the dentist and patient can decide together on the right material to use.

At Istanbul Dental, with our qualified team we are ready to answer your additional questions, so do not hesitate to get in touch with us . Also, get a quote to start planning your dental treatment as whole process including your VIP transfer! While gathering information and inspecting the options about the dental services, we recommend you to visit our smile gallery and see our previous patients’ sincere smiles.

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Md. Can Tokman
Dr. Can Tokman
Dr. Tokman specializes in creating natural-looking healthy smiles that everyone will notice, but won’t know why. For over two decades he’s partnered with industry-leading ceramists to give you a harmonious and virtually undetectable result: Just like a natural smile.

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    Istanbul Dental Clinics medical professionals on 19 May 2023

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    Remember that orthodontic treatment is not a product or device – orthodontic treatment is a professional, medical service. When your care is personally supervised by an orthodontist who is a member of the Turkish Academy of Esthetic Dentistry, you are assured that your orthodontist (and/or dentist) spent years in a post-doctoral residency program focused on providing orthodontic treatment to patients.

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